A natural progression of this numbering system is that people have begun to seek rare and desirable satoshis now that they can be individually tracked and transferred.
Ordinal theorists can decide for themselves which sats are most prized, but certain periodic Bitcoin events lend themselves to a rarity hierarchy:
Blocks: A new one roughly every 10 minutes
Difficulty Adjustments: Every 2016 blocks (~2 weeks)
Halvings: Every 210,000 blocks (~4 years)
Cycles: Every 6 halvings (~24 years), with halving and difficulty adjusting aligning
This yields the following rarity tiers:
Common: Any non-first satoshi of a block
Uncommon: First satoshi of each block
Rare: First satoshi of each difficulty period
Epic: First satoshi of each halving epoch
Legendary: First satoshi of each cycle
Mythic: First satoshi of the genesis block
The degree notation visually denotes an ordinal's rarity:
Some examples:
1°1′1″1‴ - Common
1°1′1″0‴ - Uncommon
1°1′0″0‴ - Rare
1°0′1″0‴ - Epic
1°0′0″0‴ - Legendary
0°0′0″0‴ - Mythic
Last updated